Title: Ozonia
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ozonia.zip
Size: 16.38 MB
Date: 11/02/22
Author: Deadwing
Description: Ozonia is the third mapset of the Moonblood series, containing 32 carefully designed short maps with compatibility level 9.

It's my most ambitious project by far and hopefully the most refined of the trilogy! It's heavily inspired by Plutonia, but it has its own flavor to create a refreshing and unique classic Doom experience! Eviternity, Ancient Aliens, BTSX series and Monti's work are also other big influences.

The levels are as difficult as Eviternity with very low enemy count and strategic setpieces, but early E1 maps are easier to allow a nice learning curve. As expected, exploration will take a large role in these maps, but I worked really hard to make them as straight forward as possible so the players won't feel lost.

The wad features two new enemies:
- Hierophant: replaces romero's head and it is a mid-tier flying demon which fires a mancubus shot and goes berserk if it takes a shot.
- Hellion: replaces commander keen and is a fast moving low-tier demon that shoots three plasma bullets while moving himself.
Base: Exomoon, Moonblood
Build time: 3 years
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, XWE, Photoshop, Slade, Whacked, Cakewalk Sonar.
Bugs: None

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