Title: Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ppss.zip
Size: 21.55 MB
Date: 12/29/23
Author: Ravendesk, Meowgi (Leads)
Description: Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa (ppss.wad) is a 34-map Boom-compatible "Christmas wad" that is decidedly not Christmas themed. The concept was to post preferences for the kinds of maps you like to play, then mappers were assigned to map for one another based on those preferences. Then we did a secret santa "unboxing" where mappers got to see their recipient play their map and also play the map made for them. All maps were made in a two-week timeframe, and map styles range from "Relaxing Exploration" to "Chill slaughter" to "the utterly deranged and/or puzzles that make you utterly deranged". Merry Christmas!

The entire mapping and wad creation process was held in the Pacifist Paradise Discord Server, which I have a link to somewhere around here...
Credits: Kinetic for the idea; Without him, none of this text would be here.

dashiefrickintyan for the custom INTERPIC

Petyan for the custom invuln colormap

Peccatum Mihzamiz for the ENDOOM

Uses textures from 32in24-15_tex_v2, OTEX 1.1, magnolia, jumpwad, sunder, stardate 20x7

Uses sprites from supercharge_v2.9 and xmaschill
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Three weeks
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, Whacked4, GIMP
Bugs: Minor stuff

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