Title: PUSSIX Mapping at Warpspeed
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/pussix-warp.zip
Size: 39.03 MB
Date: 04/02/23
Author: Various, compiled by BluePineapple72
Description: Mapping at Warpspeed is the ninth edition of PUSS: the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series. The event began in May 2021 and ran until the end of July. An extension of the wad's development time was comissioned in order to fill out the 32 map slots. BluePineapple also wanted ot make 4 astrology maps to impress someone he had a crush on.

These maps were built with Skillsaw's Ancient Aliens to celebrate the iconic megawad's 5th anniversary in 2021.

Maps were designed for pistol start. Jumping and Crouching are disabled via mapinfo in zdoom based ports.

It was created in May/June 2021 with the following rules: - 10 Hour Mapping Time Limit - (time can be non consecutive/ across multiple days) - Each map must be an explorative journey on an alien world - Each map must evolve/change/unfold in some way - Each map must begin and end with a UFO - Exit UFO's will be the next map's starting UFO

Maps, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 were created pastJuly 30th due to BluePineapple's abduction by martians.

Map29 was created Hot Potato style with each map author creating a small section of the map in 1 hour and tossing that wad over to the next mapper.
Credits: aalientex - Various Animated Skies and Map26 sky - Muumi Titlepic by Death Bear Interpic by Death Bear boom_compatible - text texture help
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10 Non consecutive hours. Event ran from May-April 2021. Several maps finished after submission deadline.
Editor(s) used: UDB , Slade , DB2 , Photoshop , Notepad , GIMP,
Bugs: Look pal, I'm not omnipotent

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