Title: March of the Speeddemons
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/rrmots-v2.zip
Size: 16.59 MB
Date: 09/04/21
Author: Various, compiled by BluePineapple72
Description: March of the Speeddemons is the seventh edition of PUSS, BluePineapple72's monthly speedmapping series. These maps were built with Doomkid's Rowdy Rudy resources; a wad packed to the brim with DEHACKED goodies handmade to send you straight into action heaven!

Maps were designed for pistol start. Via MAPINFO, pistol starts are enforced on Zdoom based ports. Jumping and Crouching are disabled for some maps. Jumping/crouching is enabled on MAP11

It was created in March 2021 with the following rules: - Maps must be created in 7 hours or less - Each map must be themed to be set on Earth. - Maps must be action packed powertrips - Each map must have at minimum two major combat arenas - Each battle must have, at minimum, 2 separate stages - These arenas must be interconnected to promote optional exploration - **OPTIONAL** A secret that changes the sequence of events that unfold in an arena. - **OPTIONAL** Berserk Spree room.

Some maps are prefaced by a text screen written by the mapper.

The degree to which each map stuck to the rules is debatable.

They're fun so who cares.
Credits: CageTex I & II - Cage Snow Textures - Eviternity Additional Textures - Community Chest 4 Skies - Mek and Ukiro Titlepic - InsaneGazebo Interpic - Death Bear March of the Speeddemons Event Trailer - Man With a Gun Rudy Font - BluePineapple72
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 Non consecutive hours from March 1 - April 4
Editor(s) used: UDB , Slade , DB2 , Photoshop , Notepad , GIMP,
Bugs: Ants, Centipedes, Flies, Spiders. Listen buddy, there's a metric ass-ton of bug species out there, I can't possibly list all the ones I know right here.

As for computer bugs: running on a video mode other than Hardware Accelerated will cause issues with some UDMF maps.

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