Title: Scientist 2023
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sci2023.zip
Size: 4.6 MB
Date: 08/23/23
Author: Roland van der Velden
Description: This is a slightly modified version of SCIENTIST, the official Add-on for Doom and Doom2, which was released by Bethesda August 10, 2023.

This new version is made to be compatible with most limit removing source ports for Doom2.

About Scientist: This partial conversion is a heavily upgraded version of 'Sci2.wad' from 2005 and is a perfect mix of classic and modern elements.

You play as the Doom space marine and fight against the evil Scientist, who has unleashed the hordes of Hell.

It includes: * 20 maps including city, Arctic and other-worldly settings * new textures and graphics * 3 new enemies; the Scientist, Scidemon and Sciscorpion * 3 new weapons * 3 new MIDI Music tracks * Cool effects like glowing eyes, rocket trail and exaggerated blood * It supports Multiplayer Coop and Deathmatch up to 4 players.

Changes since the Official Add-on: 1: This is a pwad and not an iwad. You will need to run it together with Doom2.WAD. 2: Titlepic, Interpic and Statusbar are now 320 pixels wide instead of 426. 3: DOOM(1) music was replaced with MIDIs from DOOMII. 4: fixed a texture error.
Credits: Thomas van der Velden (T.V.) www.Rabotik.com

2023 Retexturing and Lighting
Map fixes
Intermission graphics
Weapons graphics
Sound effects [based on DOOM II SFX]
Item sprites
Credit and Endoom screen
'Goldglow' effect
Ocean's Edge www.oceansedge.nl

Music tracks: 01, 02, title (plus intermission & text screens)
Base: Heavily upgraded version of Sci2.wad (2005)
Build time: Maps 1-11 were made somewhere between 1998 and 2002. Maps 12-32 somewhere between 2002 and 2005. It took us several months of 2023 to update the mod to where it is today.
Editor(s) used: - Mapping: Ultimate Doom Builder v3.0, Doombuilder - Graphics: GIMP 2.10.22, several others - Importing: SLADE v 3.2.1, XWE version 1.16 - Dehacked: Whacked4 version 1.2.4 - SFX: Audacity 3.3.1 - Music: Guitar Pro v4.06, Sekaiju v7.8 - Editors used for Scientist(2) 2002 - 2005: DEU2 v1.00, idE v 1.0, DCK v 3.0, NWT v1.3, XWE, Deusf/Deutex v 3.6, DeHackEd v3.1, WhackEd2 v 0.60

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