Title: Sepia
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sepia.zip
Size: 17.02 MB
Date: 04/29/23
Author: Petyan
Description: 34 brown colored maps that range from lighter shade of brown to darker shade of brown. Includes conventional and unconventional gameplay, slaughter, platforming, all that. Themes range from WW1 trenches to minimalistic abstraction.
Credits: Guest mappers: Master Medi, Meowgi, brendondle, Ravendesk Playtesters: Ravendesk, brendondle, Napsalm, kvothesixstring, Master Medi, Meowgi, Vile, mhrz, BFGandorf, TheLoneliness, Elmord See sepia_extended_credits.txt for more information Textures: 32-24tex, otex, sunder, muumi's texture pack, h2h chrismas, hexen, Necrodome, Tormentor667 Various additional help: deatz0r, Rayziik, Spendoragon, insane_gazebo, Peccatum Mihzamiz, dashiefrickintyan, StorkGreen
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~6 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, Paint.net, Paint tool Sai, Adobe Photoshop
Bugs: Possible softlock in MAP17, some issues with transferring floor effects on GZDoom

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