Title: Seriously
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/seriously.zip
Size: 9.05 MB
Date: 04/01/22
Author: Traivs 'T-117' Haselden
Description: [version 2.4] Seriously is an MBF21-compatible, 15-map (mega?)wad that contains 13 distinctly themed (and seriously fun) challenge arenas accessible through a central hub. Originally designed as a single large marathon map (MAP31), it is also playable as 13 individual maps (MAP02-MAP14). Make the choice in MAP01.

Jumping and crouching should be disabled. Freelook is discouraged but optional.

Each map is designed to be played continuously from the previous map but does support pistol starts if that is your thing. The behavior of every weapon and most monsters have been changed slightly to give a unique gameplay experience. The goal of this project was to keep things similar enough to vanilla doom to be familiar but changed in ways that make the experience feel new and exciting. Hopefully the maps will keep the player asking "Seriously?" - to which the map replies, "Oh yes. Seriously."

Serious challenges await you. Do you seriously think you're up to it?
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Approimately one year
Editor(s) used: Slade v3.1.13, UDB, Audacity 3.0.5, MidiEditor 3.3.0, WhackEd, MS Paint
Bugs: Map 31 may have degraded performance on some machines due to map size and monster count.

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