Title: Slaughterfest 3
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sf3.zip
Size: 11.47 MB
Date: 07/08/18
Author: Various
Description: A long-awaited third entry in the series, this is another compilation of 35 slaughter maps designed to be played from pistol start.
Credits: Textures, flats, and sprites from cc4-tex, doom, gothictx, Oblige, q1tex, retres - See the CREDITS and MAPLIST sections for more
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 years
Editor(s) used: doom builder, boom anim tool, xwe, slumped, slade, various image editors
Bugs: - Map33 doesn't work as intended in (g)zdoom - Map18 may become broken when cheats are used to access some of the areas before they are meant to be accessed legitimately

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