Title: Short maps for short people 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/smfsp2.zip
Size: 1.18 MB
Date: 10/04/19
Author: Roofi
Description: This is the prequel of SMFSP1 by Datacore. The project consists to 32 speedmaps.

Map 01 , 12 , 31 are my first baby speedmaps done in 3 hours each.

Map 08 , 20 and 27 were made by Datacore and aren't speedmaps.

Map 32 was built by Vergogneful

Map 07 and 13 were built in few hours in 2017

The others maps were done in 30 minutes.
Credits: Garden Dwarfs Oblige for custom skies
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: Gzdoombuilder , Slade , Photoshop
Bugs: misaligned textures

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