Title: Sign of Torment
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/sot.zip
Size: 45.07 MB
Date: 12/20/21
Author: Kain D.
Description: Sign of Torment is unique in comparison to mainstream wads, so it might be something that was never done before.
It utilizes features not commonly used in Boom maps, like silent teleports, friction, or jumppads.
The wad follows usage of red, white and black colors through episodes. To put simply the main theme color in Episode 1 is red, in Episode 2 is white, and in Episode 3 is black.

In comparison to Doom 2 the story is more important(in a way it's Doom 2 continuation). Jumping/crouching should be disabled.
Because of the features playing with freelook enabled is more comfortable. Playing continously is encouraged(this is only story related), but maps can be also completed from pistol start.

Difficulty is a mix of Doom 2 and Plutonia.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~2 years 3 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Doom Builder X, Slade 3, Whacked 4, Bitmap Font Writer
Bugs: Friction effect will not work if you load them from a save in Glboom+/PrBoom+(complevel 9), use -complevel 11 to avoid issues,

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