Title: Ten Community Project
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/tcp.zip
Size: 15.11 MB
Date: 07/26/08
Author: Various members of the ZDoom community (see below)
Description: Fuzzball Fox came up with the concept of using only 10 textures for a map, and challenged the ZDoom forum members to create 15 single player maps and 5 multiplayer maps that used this limit, and also limit the player to a 2048x2048 area. The resulting mapset is split into two episodes, SinglePlayer (starting MAP01 and ending on MAP15) and Multiplayer, which can be played either as a second single player episode, or with up to 3 other players co-operatively (starting on MAP16 and ending on MAP20). All maps are pistol start compatable. The secret exit in the single player episode is in MAP12, which takes you to MAP21. The coop episode has no secret level.
Credits: Randy, Graf Zahl and the other ZDoom devs (ZDoom); idgames (Doom); CodeImp(DB); Csabo(XWE); Simon "SlayeR" Judd (SLADE, SlumpEd); VGMusic (MAP03, MAP05 and MAP14 music); Mazedude (MAP09 music); JILost (MAP16 music); Enjay (SPLINT1 font); John Romero's unreleased doom music (MAP01 music); mirsoft.info (TITLEMAP music); Konami (MAP20 music); Midishrine (MAP14 music); Xaser (MAP19 music); Marc A. Pullen (D_BUNNY midi); Pantera (original version of MAP17 MIDI); Epic MegaGames (MAP02 music);
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months and 27 days
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder, Photoshop, XWE, SLADE, SLumpEd, Paint.NET, GraphicsGale, Adobe Fireworks CS3
Bugs: None
Rating: (36 votes)

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