Title: Temporal Tantrum
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/temp_tantrum.zip
Size: 13.95 MB
Date: 03/22/23
Author: Bartekmil, Brxyz, EnragedEggplant, LunchLunch & Washing Machine Enthusiasts
Description: Twenty-eight maps across seven themed episodes. The story: the UAC has developed new gate technology that connects any two points in time and space. The UAC has now reported that they have lost contact with the secret facility housing the prototype gate. You have been sent to investigate. Your superiors suspect another demonic incursion. If this is what has happened, your orders are to stop the incursion by whatever means necessary.
Credits: ChopBlock223
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About two years
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, WhackEd4
Bugs: MAP24 uses compressed nodes and so may not run, or will run but with performance issues, in some source ports. Slimetrails in MAP12 and MAP25. MAP02 was reported to have a HOM by one tester, but we couldn't reproduce this error.

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