Title: TNT: Threevilution
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/tntthree.zip
Size: 9.66 MB
Date: 04/10/22
Author: General Roasterock & DoomTheRobot
Description: God is dead

You see nothing.

Nothing at all, but a dark void all around you. You wonder what you can do in this endless abyss. Maybe you can think about what to eat? You know, like a hot dog or something. Actually, a tasty burger would be nice. But maybe something more exotic, like a really nice salad from those fancy resturants that charge you like, 20 bucks for a fucking bowl of house salad. Like the really tiny bowls you know? The ones where they give you like a plate, but it kinda looks like a bowl with the rounded edges going upwards? The fuck are those called anyways? They're not called "salad bowls" are they? Because they aren't fucking bowls, like think about it.

You close your eyes and think of how much of a scam Olive Garden's prices are. Suddenly, you open your eyes and realize this wad fucking blows.
Credits: TNT:R, cc4-tex, jimmytex, Team TNT for texture resources
Base: New from scratch (Map 16 uses IDMAP01!.wad)
Build time: approx. 4 months
Editor(s) used: UDB (2dfe043), SLADE 3.1.13, XWE 1.16, WhackEd4
Bugs: The ones the CIA put in my sink

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