Title: Trick and Tear 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/tt2.zip
Size: 43.87 MB
Date: 06/26/22
Author: Various, compiled by Death Bear
Description: Trick and Tear 2 is the twelfth release of BluePineapple72's monthly "Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping" series, and sequel to PUSS II: Trick and Tear (October 2020).

It was created in October 2021 with the following gimmicks: - Spooky Themed Maps - Custom Bestiary - 8 hour mapping time limit
Credits: Realm667 for the various resources RonnieJamesDiner for helping convert some Zscript enemies to Decorate (from TT1), Aletheos Eberlain for the titlepic, Danlex for Custom STBAR, the moderators of the PUTS discord server, and of course to all of the participants of this competition.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Each other had 8 non consecutive hours during the month of October to create their maps.
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: None at the moment.

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