Title: The Twilight Zone II: Final Dreams
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/twzone2.zip
Size: 3.84 MB
Date: 08/26/99
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Credits: All those people who liked my other levels. Ben for Playtesting, etc.
Base: All new levels from scratch Build Time 20 Months, It all started in Feb 1998 It was originally designed for Final DOOM TNT episode but I got hogged by people to convert it to Doom2.

Editor(s) used Doomcad v6.1, Deth v4.16b, Wintex v4.1, BSP 2.3 and 3.0

Known Bugs What bugs!, these levels are id quallity, none in the levels.

1. Demos Sync out for no reason like the player shoots wrongly because of an Enemy shot you at a different time of the recording, ignore that because thats unavoidable.

2. Wont run with old Doom2.exe, see above. I was forced to delete original sprites under my first upload. If I didn't delete them It would have been fine.

3. I hate Sargents!, so they are all around the place!.
Build time: 20 Months, It all started in Feb 1998 It was originally designed for Final DOOM TNT episode but I got hogged by people to convert it to Doom2.

Editor(s) used Doomcad v6.1, Deth v4.16b, Wintex v4.1, BSP 2.3 and 3.0

Known Bugs What bugs!, these levels are id quallity, none in the levels.

1. Demos Sync out for no reason like the player shoots wrongly because of an Enemy shot you at a different time of the recording, ignore that because thats unavoidable.

2. Wont run with old Doom2.exe, see above. I was forced to delete original sprites under my first upload. If I didn't delete them It would have been fine.

3. I hate Sargents!, so they are all around the place!.
Editor(s) used: Doomcad v6.1, Deth v4.16b, Wintex v4.1, BSP 2.3 and 3.0

Known Bugs What bugs!, these levels are id quallity, none in the levels.

1. Demos Sync out for no reason like the player shoots wrongly because of an Enemy shot you at a different time of the recording, ignore that because thats unavoidable.

2. Wont run with old Doom2.exe, see above. I was forced to delete original sprites under my first upload. If I didn't delete them It would have been fine.

3. I hate Sargents!, so they are all around the place!.
Bugs: What bugs!, these levels are id quallity, none in the levels.

1. Demos Sync out for no reason like the player shoots wrongly because of an Enemy shot you at a different time of the recording, ignore that because thats unavoidable.

2. Wont run with old Doom2.exe, see above. I was forced to delete original sprites under my first upload. If I didn't delete them It would have been fine.

3. I hate Sargents!, so they are all around the place!.
Rating: (42 votes)

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