Title: UAC Storage Surplus Project
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/uacssp_final.zip
Size: 2.96 MB
Date: 11/29/23
Author: Various (See UACSSP_credits.txt)
Description: Introducing... the UAC Storage Surplus Project! (UACSSP for short) We invite you (the Doom community) to help us do something with these satan-forsaken things! (make some maps themed around crates)

The year is 2123. The UAC accidentally added 20 zeroes to its order of 1 crate. You are hired to vanquish the menace of the ludicrous amount of crates. Go, little Cratemaster, the Containment Area needs you!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Like 11 months jesus christ
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3 for compilation

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