Title: ZDoom Community Map Project II
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/zdcmp2.zip
Size: 51.39 MB
Date: 05/25/14
Author: Various authors
Description: As the successor to the ZDCMP1, the second take follows the same rules: Various mappers and modders are working on fixed dates/slots on the map and continueing where the prior person has stopped. Expect a high quality Doom experience with countless surprises and numerous things that push ZDoom to its limits.
Credits: Textures - NiGHTMARE, DrDoctor, Cage, Enjay, Hozen
Monsters - Scalliano, NMN, Eriance, Melvinflynt
Sourceport - Graf Zahl, Randy Heit
id Software - for the greatest game of all time
Base: Scratch
Build time: From March 2012 till May 2014
Editor(s) used: Photoshop, DoomBuilder 2, GZDoomBuilder, ACC, Slade3
Bugs: Currently two portals aren't working the way they are supposed to and nobody was able to fix it until the release - though in the best case, only experienced Doomers will find them.
Rating: (56 votes)

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