Title: Phobos Abandoned Outpost (pt1 + pt2)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pao_1_2.zip
Size: 48.64 MB
Date: 07/04/20
Author: Peter Moro
Description: Story: "You are an ex-marine mercenary called in to investigate an abandoned UAC facility on Phobos."

This is a compilation wad of Part 1 and Part 2, designed to be sequential. Part 1 has been updated and improved a little since last year's release (March 2019).

Pt.2 is a very long level so be sure to save often! Although it's a long game, there is plenty of gameplay and layout contrast and variation. I like long maps. Layout is not confusing and it's likely you won't need to consult the computer map. Gameplay is fast paced but not slaughter but almost slaughterish at times. Mostly linear gameplay but plenty of exploration and multiple paths. Many secrets, none of them too difficult to find in the first playthrough. I don't consider this map to be difficult. There is plenty of health and ammo scattered around. Challenging at times, but possible to complete without dying on the first attempt. I hate frustrating maps that are too difficult and unfair and i strive to make my maps more fun and atmospheric than challenging.

There is a huge outdoor area which may slow down your framerate if your PC isn't awesome. In that case, please consider lowering your settings and disabling things like bloom, anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, etc. My HP laptop does ok.....just. Estimated completion time: Part 1....45-60mins, Part 2.....60-90mins. Requirements: Jumping and crouching are disabled but Freelook is permitted. Textures: All found on the Afterglow website: Grasstex, Jimmytex, Koultex, NBflats, NB_Recol, nb_Silv, Ultratex, wallytex. Thanx to all the cool dudes who made those great textures.

Hope you enjoy it!
Credits: Thanks to Andrew Hulshult for the great music. Special thanks to Bridgeburner for playtesting and offering helpful advice on his stream. Thanks to HAK3180 / John Suitepee for playtesting. Shoutout to Austinado for being an awesome Doom streamer and for playing pt1 in 2019. Music: "Deep into the code" written by Bobby Prince; performed by Andrew Hulshult.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About a year.....but I'm a "slow mapper" (opposite of a speed mapper) - I put in an hour or two a week when i have free time. I just keep tinkering away until it's done.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder2, GZDoombuilder, Slade
Bugs: None

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