Title: Pirate Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pirates.zip
Size: 25.62 MB
Date: 06/21/14
Author: Arch
Description: Pirate Doom! A GZDoom TC with:

- 18 maps of good old runnin' and gunnin' action;

- eye patches, bandannas, beards and mustaches for all Doom monsters;

- cutlass, flintlock, cannons and other rusty weapons;

- cool caribbean music;

- compatible with any mapset;

- cooperative and deathmatch modes fully implemented;

- Ships, islands, treasures and rum.
Credits: Lots of people. Full credits at the end of the game or at credits.txt
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 years
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2 - Slade 3 - Paint.net - XWE - SoundForge - Encore - Finale
Bugs: Hopefully all fixed
Rating: (108 votes)

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