Title: Dubious Temple
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/ppss_dt.zip
Size: 5.84 MB
Date: 01/10/24
Author: NiGHTS108
Description: Recently I participated in the Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa, a community project that involves mappers mapping in someone else's style at random. I was asked to map in the style of Dubium for the project, although he quickly dropped out I had a rather large chunk of map done for him in his style, and since I'd rather not let this map go to waste, I finished it anyway. What resulted from it was a rather frantic map, I think our two styles had rather explosive chemistry as this has the highest monster count out of any map I've made, a firm 700 on the dot, but I think it's pretty fun. Merry Christmas Dubium, and I hope you enjoy :)

Note: This comes with two wads, ppss_dt.wad and ppss_lo.wad, if you'd like to play this map as a standalone map, please load ppss_dt.wad alone, however, through lock-on technology if you want to play through all of Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa and this map in the middle of it, please load ppss_lo.wad on top of ppss.wad. You can find it on the episode select menu, or continuously, you'll be warped to MAP35 (Dubious Temple) in between MAP04 and MAP05. Thought I'd just explain that quirk. Either way, enjoy!
Credits: Dubium, for being the source of inspiration for this map and Jimmy Paddock for the MIDI, see Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa for further credits.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Roughly 3 or 4 hours total
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: None

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