Title: Project: Unity Redux
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/puredux.zip
Size: 2.01 MB
Date: 10/02/23
Author: Project: Unity Team
Description: Description: Project: Unity Redux: 11 maps taken from Project: Unity to be expanded/fixed up to be longer, more fun, and better designed than their original counterparts. This WAD was started about a month after the original released, with map 1 being the first worked on. Nothing came of the project until about 4 or 5 months later. timeframe honestly unknown) We hope you enjoy what we have done with the mapset. :)

Unity Install: Download WAD and drop it in the following folder C:UsersSavedGames/idSoftware/DOOM2/WADs - WAD will appear in the Add-Ons list in the main menu. If you have any issues with playing it on Unity, please join our Discord and we will be glad to help you!

Thanks for Playing!

Map List:

MAP01: Earth on Hell by THiEF MAP02: Halls of Sanctorum by THiEF MAP03: Abduction by THiEF MAP04: The Bloodgates by NinjaDelphox MAP05: Viscera by Evilneck MAP06: Mental Limit by LittleDuck MAP07: Castle of the Dead by THiEF Map08: Sin City by THiEF Map09: Fort Paranoia City by LittleDuck Map 10: New Hecktown by NinjaDelphox Map 11: Cacodemonia by THiEF Map 12: The End by NinjaDelphox
Credits: Additional Credits to: Level Designers: THiEF NinjaDelphox LittleDuck Evilneck Arsinikk

Playtesters: Depr4vity Alexo670 Jrmhd91 Spec Chival Arsinikk SiMusicGH3 LargeCat Console Doom Discord Community (public test wad)

Midi Credits:

Map01: Castlevania 3 - Aquarius Map02: Seasons by Dragonforce (Midi Creator: UmbraVivens94) Map03: Rise of the Demon Lord by Knightrider of Doom Map04: Winds of the Destiny by Thyrbse Map05: untitled, by Evilneck Map06: My Spirit Will Go On, by Dragonforce Map07: Midi Rendition of Don't Wait Until Night From Castlevnania: Stage 6: Castle Keep Map08: Where Dragons Rule, by Dragonforce Map09: Valley of the Damned by Dragonforce Map 10: Midi Rendition of Victorian Fear from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Map 11: Cry of the Brave by Dragonforce Map 12: Nyctophobia by Metabolist

Custom plasma sound: Doomzero.wad (borrowed) Custom Pistol Sound: Valiant.wad (borrowed) Custom HUD: SiMusicGH3 Custom results screen: Evilneck Title Screen: Evilneck Skybox: THiEF, Evilneck (images found on google images and were converted to doom format)

Title screen midi: BassPon3 Results screen midi: BassPon3 Technical Support: Alexo670, Evilneck, SiMusicGH3, NinjaDelphox, Arsinikk Console Doom Community Discord: Discord:https://discord.com/invite/CaxmcJkv4d
Base: Modified version of ProjectUnity.WAD
Build time: On and off 1 year+ (apr. 2021-present)
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, GZDoom Builder, Doom Builder 2, Doom Builder X
Bugs: -HOM effect in map 08 (Unity Only) -PRBoom does not display results/title screen correctly

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