Title: Quake's E1M7 - ZDoom required.
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/qe1m7.zip
Size: 114.75 KB
Date: 03/27/99
Author: Rick Clark
Description: This is a recreation of Quake's E1M7 in ZDoom.
Credits: Randy Heit (rheit@usa.net) for the good work.
Base: New level from scratch. 4 hours build time.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor.
Rating: (4 votes)

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not a recreation. sucksx
E1M7 was the first end boss - you know the drill, big lava monster, you have to electrocute him. This isn't actually a recreation of that level, it's a simple "in the style of" affair with a stealthy archvile. Sometimes he fades out and you can run over the two triggers. If it had been a proper recreation of E1M7 it might have warranted some stars if it was done well; as an original level this is a non-starter.x
Yeah....it sucks.x

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