Title: Reconstruction/Decomposition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rc-dc.zip
Size: 5.61 MB
Date: 04/12/15
Author: Da Werecat
Description: A silver spaceship with custom textures. Loosely based on Termination by mrthejoshmon. The second map in the wad is just a small "outro" level.

This is version 4. For a changelog see the CHANGES lump inside the wad.
Credits: mrthejoshmon (map base) Aubrey Hodges (music track) Sound Ideas (second map sfx) Raven Software (landing sfx) Mechadon (wispy night sky) id Software
Base: d on Termination by mrthejoshmon. The second map in the wad is just a small "outro" level.

This is version 4. For a changelog see the CHANGES lump inside the wad.
Build time: Around 3 weeks for the first version of the map
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Adobe Photoshop, XWE, SLADE, Boom Animation Manager, WhackEd4
Bugs: * Eternity: - Small fan shadows aren't synchronized * DOS Boom and MBF, WinMBF: - A few rare textures are too tall for these engines to display correctly; then again, music won't work there anyway * PrBoom+: - If you're a weirdo who's using the jumping feature for anything other than debugging - I hope you like sky seams
Rating: (24 votes)

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