Title: Rhode Less Traveled
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rlt.zip
Size: 399.75 KB
Date: 12/18/21
Author: Dusty_Rhodes
Description: Story:

The UAC has detected high levels of unknown radiation on Nix, one of Pluto's moons. A government base has gone offline, and the UAC are sending you to repair their relays. Little do you know what awaits you . . . .

Levels: These are seven speedmaps, my first attempts at them. Maps with an odd number (Map01, Map03, etc.) were made in 30 minutes, with only vanilla features. Maps with an even number (Map02, Map04, etc.) were made in a bout an hour with Boom features.

These levels are rough around the edges, being made so quickly, but I'm proud of them. I hope you find them fun.

This is meant to be played on complevel 9. I tested it on Woof!, PrBoom+UMAPINFO, and ReBoom. No issues whatsoever.

There is an embedded BEX patch, solely used for automap names and Map06 story text.
Credits: iD Software of course, for their excellent games, Team TNT for Final Doom and Pursuit DM, which a waterfall texture and midi has been taken from (respectively), Bungie, Apogee, and Doomworld, and Rogue for the great midis, and the developers of Doom Builder2, Slade3, BSP (the nodebuilders I used in Doom Builder), and Doom Writer for their great (FREE and OPEN SOURCE) software. Developers of these things keep us mappers mapping!
Base: Brand new from scratch!
Build time: Done over about a month. Each map took less than 2 hours.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3, Doom Writer
Bugs: There are a few softlocks that you can fall into, but they are easy to avoid. There might be some slimetrails as well. These maps are made to show exactly what I can make in such a short amount of time. Changing these minor issues feels dishonest, and they are hard to run into.

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