Title: Five Centuries Ahead
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rm_5cent.zip
Size: 60.49 KB
Date: 12/12/15
Author: RaphaelMode
Description: Year 20XX. The cryogenics are finally a real thing. So you freeze yourself and jump 500 years forward to see the new awesome future. But are you ready for what tomorrow brings?

This level is very beatable, possibly even under the par time. But you really need to think out of the box. PROTIP: pretend that you've never played this specific game before, and you MIGHT not screw up.

Or if you fail 10 times and want to give up, open the mod in SLADE or something. Yeah, about that, the reviews may contain complete and utter SPOILERS that ruin the whole point, so try beating the map before reading the reviews. The par time is 45 seconds, so this map is not going to waste a lot of your time in any case.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One day.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, Slade 3.
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)

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well, the secret is pretty obvious, and there is nowhere near enough ammo to hope to run through it. Pretty bad.x
walter confalonieri
is a nice map, but with more health and ammo will be betterx

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