Title: Random Speedmap to celebrate 40oz and Bloodyacid's Birthday
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rstc40bb.zip
Size: 364.79 KB
Date: 12/22/12
Author: Obsidian
Description: The title sums it up nicely, doesn't it? I also tried using a texture pack to spice things up a bit.
Credits: Id Software for Doom II CodeImp of Doom Builder 2 Sir Juddington the Third for SLADE3
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple of hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE3
Bugs: MAPINFO won't run in ports that don't support it
Rating: (8 votes)

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Even it's a Birthday map, berserk punching to some powerful monsters in narrowed, boring, grey places always bad idea, really, but the textures choice just not bad and it's should be nice map for the target of this gift and tyson-style lovers. 2/5 -playerlinx
Extremely short (1-minute) map with low visuals and imho completely missing gameplay, so 1/5x
There are some nice new marble and fire textures. You also only get a berserk pack, which would be difficult if it weren't for the fact that the level has no hitscan enemies, they all get bottlenecked in the short corridors, and being vanilla DOOM monsters, the enemies have retarded AI and get caught on staircases so you can punch them around the corner. Other than that, it's just a bog standard switch-and-key jobby that you've been "enjoying" for the last two decades. 2/5x
A tyson map that will take you one minute to beat. You have to punch some lost souls, spectres, revenants and one arch-vile in a few rooms that are cramped, symmetrical and single colored. Probably not worth your time.x
Thank you for this gift~ -BloodyAcidx

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