Title: The Salt Mines
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/salt.zip
Size: 812.41 KB
Date: 03/09/22
Author: Large Cat
Description: A salt mining operation claimed to have made some "unexpected" discoveries, then went totally silent. It's your job to head in there and determine the nature of the disturbance, as well as gauge whether military intervention is required.

You get an all too familiar feeling in your gut. Something has gone terribly wrong, but no one will authorize backup for you until you come back with evidence of foul influences.

The gameplay of this map is centered on several moderate-sized fights, most of which are set up to push players to their limits of maneuvering and tactical positioning. Most of the fights are in tight quarters for the number of monsters, so crowd manipulation is a useful skill. More than half of the monsters appear in an optional final fight, which is designed more as slaughter gameplay, sending hundreds of monsters in a not-that-large arena.
Base: Built from scratch
Build time: 1 month of intermittent work, plus 3 days for the final arena
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade, WhackEd, GIMP, MuseScore, MidiEditor
Bugs: One of the secrets is untaggable in ZDoom-derived source ports

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