Title: Schism
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/schism.zip
Size: 222.54 KB
Date: 08/18/18
Author: Sparktimus
Description: Howdy! Today is my birthday, and I cannot think of a more fitting way to celebrate than with than with the release of my second map, Schism. This'll be a limit-removing Doom 2 map01 replacement. The ramp up in difficulty is pretty steep near the end, so be prepared. Otherwise, this a pretty standard vanilla gameplay map with a tech/ancient ruins theme going on. Two drastically different themes clashing, but with the ever-present Doomguy being the constant as always. Was mainly tested on Crispy Doom, with a few helpers testing it on PRBoom+. All known issues have been corrected as of this date, so if you see anything off about this, shoot it my way so I can properly deal with it before it goes up on /idgames. Tools used were GZDoom Builder for the map editing and Slade. Mainly tested on UV, but difficulty flags are in effect. Co-op starts are in as well. Build time was about a month. None of that three years BS this time around :P
Credits: Eradrop for the Skybox resources Mark Klem for the music replacement ("Damage Assessment") Rdwpa for the name suggestion Playtesters for doing their thing. You know who you are ;)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About a month.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder and Slade
Bugs: Some enemies may get stuck.

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