Title: Sensory Deprivation Chamber
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sensory.zip
Size: 25.67 MB
Date: 01/04/23
Author: eltiolavara9
Description: MOUSELOOK, JUMPING AND CROUCHING ARE REQUIRED + compat settings should be set to "default" (also this is v2.0 check out the forums for the changelog :3) textureless (-ish) wad, featuring heavy doom 64 lighting usage & a modified version of supercharge where everything is very fast and has little health AND an original mostly midi soundtrack if you like maps that are made of random shit stitched together and/or immortal monsters you're gonna love this! (oh yea also every enemy and weapon has a changed pallete just because)
Credits: tango for supercharge, scorch for the door texture he got off google images and also for playtesting and feedback and being a silly guy, z00l for super mario agilities, realm667 for the monsters i used and cutmanmike for the monster i used as base for ??? ???, ukiro for the OTEX skies, valve for the map03 sky
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a few days total, spread out over insanely long (blame map05)
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE
Bugs: some pits might still be softlocks

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