Title: Shallow World E1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/shallowwe1.zip
Size: 8.73 MB
Date: 05/03/22
Author: Peter "Shawny" Blacha
Description: A "reimagination" of Doom 2 episode 1 (11 maps). + 2 early/reused maps
Credits: Playtesters: FrancisT218 dei_eldren MotiTerminus Jimmy

Post v1.0 playthrough that inspired v1.1 update dei_eldren

Graphics: Mechadon

Special thanks: MarketAnarchy - Editorial assistance HAK3180 - Being an amazing playtester who teached me a lot about mapping by just watching him playtest maps and his commentary Martinoz - Being a youtuber who just randomly picked up and played my maps and basically gave me free coverage.

Music: Stewboy Paul Corfiatis Jimmy AD_79 Fuzzball

Test/Beta build feedback: Vile kalensar
Base: New from scratch
Build time: May 2020 - 13.4.2022 (RC patch 19.4.2022 + 3 days of updating wad to v1.1 from 28.9.2022 - 30.9.2022)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 / (Switched to) Ultimate Doom Builder (later) Slade3 MSPaint Paint.net Doom Writer
Bugs: Unmodded seems bug free. - v1.1 includes various visual bugs/issues fixes - HOMS, slime trails, bleeding midtextures etc. - Minor adjustments to MAP02 and small balance changes to MAP09 - Revamped secrets, mostly biggers buttons and few reworks to make them easier to find and activate

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