Title: Alice Clancy's Shattered Dimensions
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/shtrdem.zip
Size: 27.4 MB
Date: 02/10/23
Author: sincity2100
Description: It's a Nine Map Wad Made from Scratch inspired by Megawads such as Eviternity, Ancient Aliens and Taransman's Projectile Hell, The Story Follows Alice Clancy, a Rookie Marine who guards a new Portal Created by the UAC that allows them to go to other dimensions, but an Accident happens and she gets transported to that dimensions where Demons struck a deal with a cult of Foul Creatures known as the Serpanteens, after the first encounters with them She finds out that they made a deal with them to conduct a secret experement, that accqires creating a new Powerful monster, Alice needs to figure out the secrets of the Reserch and try to stop this powerful monster before he enters and destroy her Home Dimension.
Credits: , here is a track list:
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 8 Months 2022
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder - Slade 3 - Whacked4
Bugs: None so far

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