Title: Escape from Slime City
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/slimecty.zip
Size: 2.88 MB
Date: 04/27/23
Author: kwc
Description: Escape from Slime City is a short and linear Boom-Compatable singleplayer map set in the titular urban environment of SLIME CITY.

Fight hell's legions as you weave through urban streets and buildings while keeping your feet out of the toxic slime overtaking the city! Can you survive as you make your way back to your car parked on the other side of town? Can you find all of the Doomguy dolls scattered throughout the city?


Secrets and Easter Eggs! (some too subtle for their own good) Destructable Trash! Optional Doll Collectathon! Edible Junk Food! Interactable Light Switches! Arcade Games! A Mysterious Stranger!

Recommend against game-altering mods for this one.
Credits: Textures: Ola "Ukiro" Björling, Nick "NiGHTMARE" Baker, DooMAD, Mechadon, metlslime, Thfpjct, BPRD, osjclatchford, Chilvence, ElZee, Chukker, AA-Tex, 32-in-24 Tex, Monolith Software, Sunstorm Interactive, Rogue Software, iD Software, NeverSoft, Diodeus, Ingames Interactive, Virtual Design, Remedy Entertainment, The Collective/General Arcade, Ion Storm, Apogee, 3DRealms, Developers of Incredible Power, Valve Software, storyset, Digital Café, StrikeForce Bowling

Switch Textures: Monolith/ViolentBeetle, Scypek2, horselessheadsman, ItsNatureToDie, Jimmy, 3D Realms, Freedoom, Cage, kwc

Sprites: Slime Imp aka "Slimp" (Based off Skulltag Dark Imp) - Vader, ItsNatureToDie Fire Hydrant - 3DRealms, iD Software, Greymatter Studios, Ozymandias81, Tormentor667 Trees - BPRD, Necrodome Doom Doll - JoeyTD Lights - GabeTheSerrano/elend

General acknowledgements (help,ideas,etc): DiR, Pistoolkip, Biodegradable, Sandwedge, Snaxalotl
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
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