Title: Project Slipgate: Remastered Edition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/slipgate.zip
Size: 406.9 MB
Date: 07/09/02
Author: The Solution
Description: Project Slipgate: Remastered Edition is an enhanced, restructured mod of the original Slipgate that was created over 10 years ago. This new enhanced version is built using more modern tools that takes full advantage of the capabilities of powerful engines such as GZDoom. Some of the many features in this remastered edition include: Decorate effects to enhance the environment and gameplay, 2k and 4k textures support, 3D structures, sloped environments, high quality sound and music, and various other gameplay mechanics to bring Slipgate into a much better vision than what was created in the original mod.
Credits: Graf Zahl, all of the Realm 667 crew, ID Software, Ketmar, and everyone else at Doomworld and ZDoom forums for support and providing resources for the creation of this mod.
Base: Remastered from the original.
Build time: Over 7 months give or take....
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder.
Bugs: None.
Rating: (21 votes)

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