Title: Six Minute Showdown
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sms.zip
Size: 1.89 MB
Date: 12/10/23
Author: Vytaan
Description: WARNING: The map is named this way because it WILL end exactly 6 minutes after grabbing the shotgun. You better escape before that time - you have been warned. Have fun!


My first real map! The main 'gimmick' is that the map has some rhythmic elements to it. I was inspired by Cammy's 'Chicago Typography', originally created for the Alien Vendetta MIDI pack. Because it's used for a map in the old version of AV (v1, MAP25: Valley of Echoes), which many people might not have played, I feel like it deserves more recognition. Plus I simply love the track!

IMPORTANT: - Do NOT pause or load, it will break the intended effect. The map is short for a reason! - Do NOT use GZDoom, it breaks the map - Use OpenGL, software will cause a graphical issue. - I suggest turning up the music compared to the sound effects so you can hear the track during bigger fights as well. That way you'll also be able to prepare for certain cues once you know the map.

Difficulty options are fully implemented. UV is hard, especially blind, and forces you to keep up the tempo. HMP is tough and HNTR is still somewhat challenging.
Credits: Cammy for creating 'Chicago Typography' (used in MAP01) and 'Boston Cream Pie' (used in the menu) Brayden "AD_79" Hart for creating 'Undefined' (used in the intermission screen) Ola "ukiro" Björling for creating the OTEX texture pack.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 - 3 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, WhackEd
Bugs: The software renderer will cause a graphical issue, so please use OpenGL instead. Pausing and/or loading a game will break the intended behavior as the music won't pause together with the gameplay.

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