Title: My Soul Trapped in a WIN98 PC
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/st98.zip
Size: 638.85 KB
Date: 01/19/15
Author: Lukasxd
Description: Sometime ago, finally, you trashed that old and rusty pentium 2 with win98, your thinking it's simple "get a upgrade" but when you take that piece of garbage, stranger forces abrupts your try and teleports you to a virtual reallity hosted by your old friend, the only path to exit is destroying his deep virtual ass, it will be hard.
Credits: GreenWar 2 Team (For some textures) Microsoft (l0lz) & Id Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: i spend 2 months for finish this.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1, XWE, Fireworks 8
Bugs: Some "un-finished sectors" and visual bugs (Like the second door) but still playable
Rating: (26 votes)

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