Title: Station-12
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/station-12.zip
Size: 5.35 MB
Date: 10/17/22
Author: NoC0ncentrate51
Description: 6 levels in gzdoom (UDMF) GZdoom Zdoom are recommended made in the space od 1year

Your an lone marine sent to the abandoned station-12,after UAC headquarters received some strange radio signals from it. go down the facility and rediscover UAC�s long forgotten secrets
Credits: Texture Resources from cc4-tex, doom2, TNT, music from heretic and doom fount for the title: Jimmy on realm667 new monster sprites:Vader, Captain Toenail
Base: New from scratch
Build time: around one year
Editor(s) used: ultimate oom builder and Slade3
Bugs: none

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