Title: Stylin' 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/stylin2.zip
Size: 59.65 KB
Date: 08/23/03
Author: John Wantland
Description: This is the sequel to MAP01-Style. It's (very) loosely based on MAP02. It works by itself, but it's cooler (IMHO) if you play them together.
Credits: id software for creating DOOM. Wadauthor author. Wal-Mart (building front inspired diagonal archways) People in general who liked MAP01- Style.
Base: New level from scratch, layout inspired by Doom II's Map02
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor
Bugs: Er, I don't know of any.
Rating: (7 votes)

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this didn't suck, which is much better then you can say about most. in fact, it was a fun little map.x
good and worth a go, but too short 3.5/5x
This is a decent, competent, but unexceptional level from 2003. It feels like a good 1996/97 map. It's purportedly a remix of Map02, although the resemblance is extremely tenuous; part of it looks like Map03. Almost no DoomII features, and not overtly source-porty. Doesn't really stand out from a hundred similar levels, although nothing annoyed or angered or offended or irked or harried or beleaguered or abraded or vexed or ruffled or riled or upset me.x
Very classic level with nice detail. Only takes a few minutes but lots of fun. 9/5/07x
best level remake iv ever seen superb secind level you shood work for id you shur got the skills x
Small, but very well done. Classic flava! -- Brun Ohnx
Love it; very classic feel; beings back old warm memories :)x

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