Okay, for starters: THIS LEVEL IS LARGE. VERY, VERY, VERY LARGE. It has ~2400 sectors and ~2300 monsters on UV. I would NOT recommend playing this level if you have a really old computer. Second, this map is pretty hard. 100% kills and secrets on skill 4 is possible, but difficult (I've done it with a lot of saving and reloading). Other than that, it's fun with a lot of action. So enjoy it!
"Sparky" for the sky, from NEWDSKY2.WAD Mark Klem for the music (MAP09 from Memento Mori 2)
New from scratch
Build time:
A month or so
Editor(s) used:
Doombuilder 1.61. Such a great editor. Wintex 5.0, NWT 1.3