Title: C'mon bro, I got tigerblood!
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tigrblod.zip
Size: 164.86 KB
Date: 06/09/13
Author: Chris Hansen chr.nygaard@gmail.com
Description: I wanted to create a level that kept changing layout as the player progresses. This means a lot of lowering walls and floors... and perhaps some bloody surprises too! It is a medium sized level with a moderate amount of monsters. There should be plenty of ammo and health. The ambitions for this level from my part was merely to create a no-bullshit map that is fun to play.
Credits: To the creator of the sky texture.
Base: Completely new level
Build time: Dont know really. Many months on and off.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade
Bugs: None, I hope
Rating: (13 votes)

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