A Derelict supply depot, the UAC nearly abandoned this humble base months ago when it was discovered that the hellspawn were using it as a teleportation relay to mobilize to other locations throughout the galaxy. You must disable the depot by shutting down the power. This will mitigate further incursions in the immediate area.
Ismaele (sposito.lag@tin.it), ArmouredBlood (btitangamer@gmail.com), and Neon (yagevomit@aol.com) for playtesting; Dani J for Doomsday Engine support and putting up with all of my bug reports; CodeImp for his continued feature implementation of the Doom Builder amd Doom Builder 2 editor; Newdoom, Doomworld, PRBoom +, and Wads in Progress for member feedback (and picking nits). Amie Shaw for her understanding, and my daughter Alexis just because I love her!