Title: Travelling to the Moon - 2021 edition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/travmoon.zip
Size: 6.05 MB
Date: 11/04/16
Author: Yugiboy85
Description: This is a significant update to my previously released "travelling to the moon" (2016). It was done to celebrate the announcement of the third and final installement in my "moon series" and, as a result, I wanted to bring it up to my current standards.

This one recieved the most visual updates as it was released 5 years ago. It also had updates to the main fights in order to make them flow a bit better and I've reworked the overall ammo/health balance (basically, I moved the excess ammo/health to multiplayer).

I also took this occasion to change the midi and remove the ogg song for zdoom oriented ports. The decision to remove the ogg was not done because I didn't like the song but mainly for continuity sake (the sequel only uses a midi song).

ALSO included in this file:

- A "legacy" folder containing the original idgames release (2016) + its accompanying readme file under the names "TRAVMOON.wad" (same name for demo compat) and "tttm_old.txt" respectively.

- A ready to use command line in txt format (TTTM_21.txt) for prboom+ (you will have to save it as a bat).

Have fun !
Base: My previously released "travelling to the moon".
Build time: 2 months I'd say for the updates
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: There may be a few slimetrails here and there but, I hopefully got rid of most of them. They don't really affect gameplay anyways so haha

Other than that, I've not seen anything and testers haven't really reported anything in particular either.

Gameplay mods should be fine but they haven't been tested and the map isn't really designed for them either so, run at your own risk but be warned, I can't be responsible for any bugs encountered while playing with them.
Rating: (17 votes)

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Good times and high quality arena shootin. Also powerups have been arranged with extreme care.x
An effortlessly awarded 5/5 - this map is fantastic!x
Massive map (1000 monsters) with 4 slaughter-fights, with the final one being most difficult - expect arch-vile + revenant + cyberdemon mix. Visuals - rock and tech-base with lots of water. All very good.x
This map is pure garbage , I love it. 5/5x

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