Title: Tribute to the Lamplighter
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/triblamp.zip
Size: 944.88 KB
Date: 05/09/21
Author: JudgeDeadd
Description: [unreadable] ...she rebelled or perhaps grew senile, as even angels may do, and her work became sloppy and grotesque. Her creations would explode into lethal radiation tearing invisibly across the cosmos, or collapse on themselves into blots of gnawing, murmurring void... [unreadable] ...in an attempt to curry her favor, and direct her destructive might to their own ends... [unreadable]

-- Preliminary translation of Tablet XXVII

A linear map of moderate (?) difficulty, set among brickwork suspended in crimson space. Average playtime: 15-20 minutes.
Credits: Music: "Other World 1" from "YU-NO" (originally composed by Ryu Umemoto; MIDI sequenced by ShinkoNet) Textures and flats from cc4-tex Sky texture from Mechadon's "Box 'o Skies v3"
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Too long! Originally started in November 2019 for the NaNoWADMo project
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE

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