Title: Twisted Dimension
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tstdv02.zip
Size: 1.97 MB
Date: 01/21/06
Author: Tango
Description: Twisted Dimension is the best of my works so far, and also the most creative. It's originally based off of my very old map Death Arena, in which you would enter a room and kill all of the monsters it contained to gain acess to the next room. I 'based' the first few rooms off of Death Arena, but then later started making it much more different. Also keep in mind that this map is somewhat linear, but I'm hoping you'll still enjoy it.
Credits: Sean Johnson- For the checkered floor, and the large green brick texture eNeRGy- For the awesome music in here Dutch Devil- For the Shadow Imp fireball sprite Impboy4- Testing Macro11_1- Testing StupidHead- Testing Evan- Testing Doom_Kid- Testing All of those who gave me feedback to the screenshots of this on the Skull Tag forums. (Mainly Magnum, Doom_Kid, Shadow Lord, The Shooter7)
Base: d off of my very old map Death Arena, in which you would enter a room and kill all of the monsters it contained to gain acess to the next room. I 'based' the first few rooms off of Death Arena, but then later started making it much more different. Also keep in mind that this map is somewhat linear, but I'm hoping you'll still enjoy it.
Build time: 5 Weeks and 2 Days, on and off (Yes I know, I'm pretty slow)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE
Bugs: I know there are bound to be some, so please let me know if you find some.
Rating: (22 votes)

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