Title: The Ultimate Torment & Torture
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tutnt.zip
Size: 65.06 MB
Date: 09/18/07
Author: Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer
Description: The Ultimate Torment & Torture is a compilation of all classic episodes totally remastered and revamped for more gameplay fun and visual candy as well as the all new Episode 4 "Havoc" plus many new goodies and extra stuff. Fight yourself through each episode seperately or battle your way from the beginning through the whole game until you reach "The Source" for the final Showdown!
Credits: & Special Thx Type "changemap endmap01" in the console for a full list of contributers. Thx to all of them and sorry to those who I accidentally forgot. There were so many people who helped me with and contributed to this that I might have missed one or another.
Base: Episode 4 from scratch, Episode 1-3,LE based on their originals.
Build time: v1.0 from September, 22th 2004 till September, 10th 2007 (with several long and short breaks) v1.01 released on September, 11th v1.02 released on September, 16th
Editor(s) used: Adobe Photoshop, DoomBuilder, ACC, WinTex, XWE, DecX, SlumpEd
Bugs: Read "GZDoom Settings" (top)
Rating: (146 votes)

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