Title: You Do Voodoo
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/uduvudu.zip
Size: 1.04 MB
Date: 12/06/23
Author: Alex "Grimosaur" Howe
Description: This wad is my attempt to cram as many stupidly complex voodoo doll contraptions into a single map without it collapsing into a singularity, or setting fire to the atmosphere, or something.

This map has two exits: one standard and one secret "true" ending, which there is a point-of-no-return upon entering. You should have all secrets and one enemy left before entering the secret ending if you're going for full completion.

I made this wad specifically for Boom compatible ports like PrBoom+ and Eternity, but because GZDoom changes Boom's physics, many of the voodoo dolls break and the map can become unbeatable. So please play on any fork of PrBoom+ or Eternity instead.

This map is damn long and damn hard so PLEASE use saves on your first playthrough. You can still beat a map without dying while using saves ya know?

All midis are made by me, but only MAP01's midi, "Frosty", is my own original composition, the rest are other songs by other people I've transcribed to midi: The main menu music is "Üdü Ẁüdü" by Magma MAP02's music is "De Futura" by Magma End-level music is "La Daẁotsïn" by Magma

-Well, aren't you just a doll!
Credits: The band Magma for being the main inspiration for this wad and the band Natural Snow Buildings for the name of the epilogue map, "Remains in the Ditch of the Dead" taken from the song of the same name.
Base: Reuses some voodoo doll contraptions from my showcase wad BOOMcool. Otherwise, built from scratch.
Build time: Approximately 36 fly lifetimes (Not very actively, long hiatuses)
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, Photoshop, Sekaiju
Bugs: There's a very rare chance you can get the same random code to open more than one of the items in the code machine room. Think of it more of a blessing than a bug! One of Mr. Vending's eyes might keep blinking after he retires, yea idk.

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