Title: Unholy Journey Begins
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/unholyjo.zip
Size: 2.05 MB
Date: 08/29/20
Author: elio.exe
Description: You have been summoned deep inside the depths of hell. Once again. This time, it's much smaller, but much deadlier. Crawling up to the first wooden building you come across, you can smell it from afar... The foul stench of the final boss. It's once again your job to take care of Baphomet... Once and for all. Part 1 of a speedmaps megawad.
Credits: Ghastly_dragon, Eriance, Xim, scalliano for the Auto Shotgun Guy (or plasmagunner) sprites.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2-3 weeks
Editor(s) used: SLADE, GZDoom Builder
Bugs: None I guess

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