Title: An Evening Stroll in Venice
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/venice.zip
Size: 1.96 MB
Date: 02/21/16
Author: Hebridean Isle
Description: I wanted to make a level with textures I have never seen before in a WAD. On the way I imposed the 1024 unit limitation rule as well as a monstercount of 100 max. No difficulty settings, but it shouldn't pose a challenge to veterans. 2 secrets and some easter egg fun on my part. This is the second map I ever made.
Credits: Core Design for Textures and Sounds Pep for one Poster (http://studiopep.tumblr.com/) Mitchell Corp for the finale music (from the game Osman/Cannon Dancer) farbin for the cardboard box drop sound (https://www.freesound.org/people/farbin/sounds/36787/) Realm 667 for the box graphic Nintendo/Square Enix and Toby Fox for sprites
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 Month
Editor(s) used: GZDoombuilder
Bugs: PolyObject doors might teleport things when using other mods. this was not encountered during testing with only GZdoom and the wad.
Rating: (17 votes)

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walter confalonieri
Beatiful textures, looks like a little "The Unholy Trinity" for style and fell... i don't get the box trick thingx
Original setting and a decent map in its design. Good difficulty too. Good usage of ZDoomisms. A good, short map.x
5 stars for the ending screen.x
As I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider 2 I loved the setting. My only critique is that it was too flat. And those kind of teleport traps get old quickly, though is forgivable as the map is quite short. Nonethless, good job!x

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