Title: Senators of Volition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/volition.zip
Size: 235.98 KB
Date: 07/29/14
Author: Getsu Fune a.k.a. Hurricyclone
Description: due to popular demand, i decided to do a design n' gameplay overhaul of my Mayhem2048 submission, which was MAP10, Sligenous. the map is now called Senators of Volition and has a red/tan color scheme throughout and gameplay is made to be more atmospheric. the map has been completely retextured from the original, but it's layout is the same. no keys, just press five switches to lower the exit, and yes Ribbiks, i decided to use one of your tunes in this, plz don't kill me.
Credits: Ribbiks, esselfortium, mouldy, plums, Demon of the Well, Estryark, 40oz., purist, TeamTNT, etc.
Base: Modified from MAP10 of Mayhem2048
Build time: about 15 or so days
Editor(s) used: DB2, Slade3
Bugs: Slight HOM's, nothing groundbreaking, don't pay attention to the little stuff.
Rating: (7 votes)

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Small, compact 5-minutes map with 'red' theme, having average ambiance. Maybe at places a bit too dark. Map layout is a bit cramped but not too bad. Gameplay @ UV is not challenging but presumably considered ok for an in-between run. Disappointingly the final shootout can be skipped completely by running over the monsters straight onto the exit. Overall: small 3/5, so you might give it a try.x
Im satisfied. A dark trippy map that's not hard to figure out but still makes me play cautiously. The Pain elemental in the dark hall with the red strobeing light made me shout "OH SHIT!" and the artch-vile invasion at the end really tested my knowledge of the map. I felt sorta cramped in some of the rooms but it wasn't that big of a nuisance. x
It was ok, but not really super memorable. Action could have been a little more intense or even just more varied. Some of the lighting is hideous imo. also the map really shoud have been called mayHAMx
It looks like just a re-textured Map10 of MH2048, now on some kind of hellish (more consistent theme) It's a decent map though I don't understand why it needs its own standalone release, it's not so great in that it's like the Thunderpeak (and shamefully, also Blackrock, which never got the same benefit) of ZPack or anything, why not just submit the update to MH2048?x

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