+ id Software for the game we all love + Tarin (www.paci-fist.net/doom) for testing. + Carnevil (www.doomworld.com/skulltag) for some testing + Team TNT for BOOM + NewDoom.com for hosting my site + Doomworld for keeping Doom alive DEMOS Wanted! :) REVIEWS Appreciated. Just remember that I know where you live... or at least I can hax0r you if that doesn't work.
New level from scratch. New sky graphic from scratch. Textures from Doom 1. Music from Descent. EDITORS USED DeepSea, WinTex BUILD TIME I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Build time:
I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Editor(s) used:
DeepSea, WinTex BUILD TIME I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.