Title: Vrack
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/vrack.zip
Size: 237.76 KB
Date: 11/12/00
Author: Fredrik Johansson
Credits: + id Software for the game we all love + Tarin (www.paci-fist.net/doom) for testing. + Carnevil (www.doomworld.com/skulltag) for some testing + Team TNT for BOOM + NewDoom.com for hosting my site + Doomworld for keeping Doom alive DEMOS Wanted! :) REVIEWS Appreciated. Just remember that I know where you live... or at least I can hax0r you if that doesn't work.
Base: New level from scratch. New sky graphic from scratch. Textures from Doom 1. Music from Descent. EDITORS USED DeepSea, WinTex BUILD TIME I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Build time: I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Editor(s) used: DeepSea, WinTex BUILD TIME I'd say 15-20 hours, but that's probably far from close, knowing how time fades away :) KNOWN BUGS Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Bugs: Probably one or two misaligned textures, if you want to call that 'bugs'. If you find something glitchy, email me about it.
Rating: (45 votes)

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