Title: We are 183!
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/weare183.zip
Size: 204.28 KB
Date: 03/01/06
Author: Daimon aka Walter Confalonieri
Description: Somenthing better than my last release... Aniway a medieval style level in E2M9 Style
Credits: ID for make Doom and Quake Raven Software for Heretic and Hexen My Family You, for download this wad!
Base: New from Scratch
Build time: 3 days...
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder for the levels, Wintex 4.3 for graphical and sound works
Bugs: Few misalligniments texture in some parts, but all minor things, and whit legacy i found some texture error in the blue room key...
Rating: (7 votes)

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It's a rather small map and it's not looking too bad, but not astonishing either. Gameplay is very hard, maybe too hard. I doubt you can beat this without cheating at all. Plus there are some other grains of frustration, too. Shortly before the end, I couldn't make out how to proceed and quit the game prematurely. 2.5/5 -Milianx
Too much archvilles and from one point no more ammo. Hard but funny battles at times. I had to IDDQD/IDKFA and get past it (I hate when I HAVE to do this). Love teh manga textures and that glass wall with text :). I love funny gfx suprirsies in doom. 3/5 - Optimusx
Way too much health and powerups, and some seriously weird design choices. 2/5 - Belialx
Not a very polished or perfectly balanced map, but I quite enjoyed this one.x

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